Cellulosa lack spray 400ml , Aged Gold Top
Med den nya färgen Aged GoldTop ville Nitor replikera den mer rostade och karamellfärgade goldtop-tonen som återfinns på många vintage gitarrer.
Om man istället vill ha en guldton som liknar nyare Gold tops så rekommenderas Nitor Gold top.
Är en av Gibsons mest klassiska finish och en favorit bland många samlare tillsammans med sunbursten från '59.
Application guide:
We start applying the color once the guitar has been dabbed with Nitorlack Primer..
When we start the painting work, the pores must be closed and the grain must not be marked.
Apply the product either by spray or spray gun to a distance of 25 cm..
When applying we must follow a pattern of application, first horizontal and then vertical, applying the paint uniformly.
Apply several coats, letting dry between them about 24 hours and sanding between them, to remove any remaining impurities.
This work will be finished when the surface is completely smooth and free of imperfections.